Time for a new adventure

What a year it’s been, I can only describe this year as a roller coaster of emotions, riding extreme lows and thankfully experiencing extreme highs – the highest of all being my mum’s amazing cancer remission news …

This year has taught me that nothing is certain, and that life will take you on a journey whether you like it or not, so you have to learn to ride the wave. Something that helped me work through the anger, pain, bouts of depression and anxiety teamed with spinning thoughts through this time was attending yoga classes.

I’ve always liked yoga and attended the odd class but it wasn’t until I was in a very dark place and my friend urged me to go with her to a hot yoga class that I really experienced the true benefit of yoga.

It helped me get out of the spin cycle that was my mind, and get off the train of negativity, it gave me a safe space to become truly present – even if was just for that hour a day.

As my mum’s health slowly started to get better, I started thinking about my own future, with my priorities in a completely different place I began to day dream about helping others feel the physical and mental benefits of yoga…

Which is why I’ve now flown 5,000 miles away to India to experience a teacher training course that will hopefully see my future helping others to feel the benefit of yoga, and I’ll be blogging about this along the way….

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